Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (2024)

13 Feb 11

Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!!! It is going to be a beautiful day here in North Texas!!!! Today's forecast will be a sunny 65 degrees.

I'm hoping to fire up the grill and make some Honey Soy Grilled Chicken Thighs. I planned on making Beer in the Rear Chicken, but forgot to thaw out a whole chicken.

Today is defiantly grilling weather, so I can't wait. It's Sunday, so let's get started on today's Potluck Sunday post.

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (1) When I was growing up my mother always made Tuna Salad Sandwiches the same way every time. Her recipe consisted of tuna, mayonnaise, boiled eggs, onions, pickles, salt and pepper. That's really the only way I remember eating it.

Now that I have grown up I prepare tuna salad the same way as my mother did. When my husband I were first married one day I was watching him make a tuna sandwich.

For the life of me I could not figure out what he was doing. So I asked, who taught you how to make tuna salad?

He said this is how my Mamaw makes tuna sandwiches and that's how I grew up eating them. I looked at this man like he was from outer space. I said with shredded apples? He said don't knock it until you try it.

Of course I am always up for trying something new, so I gave it a try. All I can say is WOW was I impressed the apple really did make the tuna sandwich. It added the perfect amount of sweetness to the mix.

Who would have of known? Don't get me wrong I still love the way my mama makes tuna salad sandwiches, but I also love the way my husband's Mamaw makes hers as well.

If you have a favorite tuna salad recipe don't push this apple version aside because you will be pleasant surprised.

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (2)

Ma maws Tuna Salad for Sandwiches


1 (5 ounce) can tuna, drained and flaked
1 - small to medium skinless granny smith apple, shredded
5 - 6 - tablespoons mayonnaise or your own personal amount (not miracle whip)
2 - tablespoons pickle relish
salt & pepper, to taste
your favorite bread, croissants or crackers

In a medium sized bowl, lightly stir together the tuna, mayonnaise, shredded apple and pickle relish.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve on bread lined with lettuce, croissants or spread on crackers.



Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (3)

Cindy said…

I really love adding chopped grapes to tuna salad, so I can imagine them being yummy with apple as well. Thanks for hosting!

Feb 13, 2011, 10:29:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (4)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (5)

I tried linking up my Buckeye Bars, but I don't see the thumbnail :( I'll keep checking throughout the day. We make our tuna sandwiches the way your mama does. I wish I could add the apples in them but I'm allergic to them :( I can't eat them raw...they have to be cooked or baked :(

Feb 13, 2011, 10:50:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (6)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (7)

Lynn said…

For my ask the readers question yesterday I asked about how my readers eat tuna sandwiches. My husband grew up eating them with the boiled eggs in them, and I have always found that strange. I grew up eating them pretty basic, with just a little mayo and maybe pickle or relish mixed in. Several people in the comments of my post mention fruit in their tuna and how good it is. So, I might have to try your version with the apples added in. It is very interesting how many different ways people eat a tuna sandwich.

Feb 13, 2011, 10:56:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (8)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (9)

Patty Sumner said…

I love tuna salad. I usually eat mine on toast but the bread looks yummy.....blessings!

Feb 13, 2011, 12:24:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (10)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (11)

Unknown said…

I am a huge fun of a GOOD tuna sandwich -- this looks GREAT :)


Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (13)

You know I make it with apples as well because my Mom did and her Mom and on and on. Everyone who ever eats my tuna always comments on the apples and when I say that that's how my Mom always made it they say that it must be a yankee things (as my Moms from New York). It interesting to see another southerner making it like this. I do agree though, that something about the apple in just "makes it".

Feb 13, 2011, 1:00:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (14)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (15)

Anonymous said…

Back in the sixties, there was a newspaper columnist, Heloise, who gave household hints. She also wrote a few books and one of them, 1962's Heloise's Housekeeping Hints has that hint to add grated apple to tuna. The first I'd heard of it.

I have a theory about some of the use of eggs in tuna salad. I grew up on a farm where eggs were plentiful and tuna had to be "store-bought" and was relatively expensive. My mother put eggs in the tuna salad to stretch it. I wonder if others might have done that, too. And I still love eggs in my tuna salad.


Feb 13, 2011, 3:28:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (16)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (17)

Happy Sunday Tina!
The grated apple in your tuna salad sounds good! My Mom always made tuna salad pretty straight- mayo, pickle relish and celery for a nice crunch.
This week I am sharing one of the 2 Chocolate Cut-Out Cookie recipes that I posted a couple of days ago. The recipes are a little different and nobody agreed which they liked best, so I posted them both! The recipes are gluten free, but can be made using "regular" flour if you don't have an issue with gluten.
Thanks for hosting!

Feb 13, 2011, 5:05:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (18)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (19)

Heidi said…

Today my kids and I are making a double batch of People Puppy Chow to package and give to their teachers for Valentine's Day. Thanks for hosting!

Feb 13, 2011, 5:40:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (20)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (21)

I'm from the south so it has always been eggs for me. Never have liked the grapes in tuna, so I don't think I'd like the apple. Sorry.
PS-I don't see the linky thingy now. How did anyone link up as of yet?

Feb 13, 2011, 5:40:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (22)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (23)

Susie Buetow said…

Thanks for the linky!!! Susie

Feb 13, 2011, 5:47:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (24)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (25)

Nikki said…

I'm not a big fan of tuna, but I probably could eat it as a salad sandwich like in this recipe. Looks delicious!

Feb 14, 2011, 10:40:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (26)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (27)

Tammy said…

thanks for the yummy recipe...you have a great blog, I really enjoy it

Feb 14, 2011, 11:13:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (28)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (29)

kristinmh said…

We made it as MawMaw did but also with 2 boiled eggs, diced, a squirt of mustard, and the apples are always Granny Smith. I haven't had a good tuna salad sandwich in FOREVER -- thanks to your post, I'll be adding that to my menu this week. :)

btw, we are 5th generation Texans but my grandmother may have gotten the idea of apples from Heloise, too

Feb 14, 2011, 12:10:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (30)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (31)

Leslie said…

Whhaaaaa...apples in tuna??? I bet its amazing!

Feb 14, 2011, 6:25:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (32)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (33)

My grandmother uses apples too, good, but I prefer eggs, and a bit of a kick, and and I've got to have my Miracle whip, lol!

Feb 15, 2011, 5:49:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (34)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (35)

Anonymous said…

Mom was also a "depression" housewife, in addition to apples, grapes,and boiled eggs, she added crushed saltine crackers (about 30 for large can of tuna.

May 11, 2011, 3:16:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (36)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (37)

Anonymous said…

My mother always added chopped pecans to her apple and tuna sandwiches. It is so good. I still do it today.

Jun 3, 2014, 2:29:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (38)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (39)

Anonymous said…

We had to make things stretch, so my mother use to break up a piece of bread and add it to the tuna. She did not use the crust but saved it to add toward her homemade breadcrumbs. It was during the depression. She never wasted anything.

Nov 1, 2014, 5:48:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (40)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (41)

Anonymous said…

I am from Louisiana. My Grandmother and Mother added mayonnaise, boiled egg(s), apple and raisins when making tuna salad. And they always used white bread with a little more mayonnaise spread on it.

Aug 18, 2015, 3:26:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (42)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (43)

Unknown said…

I love tuna salad. I'm from the Deep South, Louisiana. We always put boiled eggs in mine when I was growing up. I've eaten it with grapes but never apple. I will be trying this.

Apr 4, 2016, 3:00:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (44)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (45)

Unknown said…

Oh yeah, I forgot to add that my boyfriend puts coleslaw in his. Surprisingly good.

Apr 4, 2016, 3:01:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (46)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (47)

Anonymous said…

I used to always make my tuna with apple, but about 20 years ago I came across a tuna salad recipe that our whole family is pretty fond of. Try adding celery, grated lemon rind, horseradish and mayonnaise to tuna - pretty tasty.

Oct 15, 2016, 6:37:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (48)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (49)

Terri O said…

No fruits in sakads! I use a little of mustard in tuna salad and horseradish in ham salad.

Sep 18, 2017, 5:25:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (50)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (51)

Terri O said…

No fruits in sakads! I use a little of mustard in tuna salad and horseradish in ham salad.

Sep 18, 2017, 5:25:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (52)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (53)

Anonymous said…

I grew up having tuna salad which was made pretty basically....tuna, t mayo, diced onion, diced celery, salt & pepper. Sometimes, mom would add in a small diced sweet gherkin. We still like it that way, but next time I'll try adding in some apple, and perhaps a few red grapes. It would be soo tasty served on croissants, with a leaf of butter lettuce.

Feb 23, 2018, 11:32:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (54)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (55)

Anonymous said…

This is almost my Mother's Tuna Salad recipe and I love it. The only thing different in Mother's recipe is that she used Gala or Delicious Apples chopped with the skin left for color and chopped pickles (both dill and small diced sweet gherkin) to taste plus sometimes grape halves and a little chopped fresh parsley also for color. Miracle Whip was always used with salt and pepper to taste. At times, she would add chopped hard boiled eggs. The Tuna Salad was served in large croissants, lettuce leaves and even between two slices of any type of bread.

Thanks so much for posting your recipe. It brings so many good memories from my childhood.

Feb 24, 2018, 7:01:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (56)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (57)

Anonymous said…

What is the best way to shred apples for this recipe?

Mar 9, 2018, 8:33:00 AMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (58)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (59)

Unknown said…

Grapes sure sound exciting in salads. Thanks for opening up a world of salads just out of Tuna :)

Jan 3, 2019, 8:57:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (60)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (61)

Unknown said…

What might taste better for a start - boiled, fried, scrambled, omlet or raw?

Jan 3, 2019, 9:01:00 PMTuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe {Potluck Sunday} (62)

Tuna Salad Sandwiches, Mamaw's Recipe  {Potluck Sunday} (2024)


What is the best mayo for tuna? ›

“Since tuna is oily and has a slightly aggressive flavor and aroma, a mayo with a great baseline flavor and creamy texture like Hellmann's works best,” she said.

How long does a tuna sandwich keep in the fridge? ›

This storage time aligns with USDA guidelines which state that refrigerated “cooked meat, poultry, and fish leftovers” can last for 3-4 days. Since the main component of tuna salad is cooked, canned tunafish this guideline should be followed when storing it.

What does Martha Stewart put in her tuna salad? ›

directions. Combine tuna, celery, apple, mayonnaise, basil, and lemon juice; mix well. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Is Miracle Whip or mayo better in tuna? ›

mayonnaise debate, there's no clear winner. It seems that for every person who votes for Miracle Whip, another person votes against it in favor of mayo (or what some are calling sandwich spread). "Tuna fish sandwiches made with Miracle Whip are the gold standard," one person tweeted.

Can you make tuna sandwiches the night before? ›

Mix the filling the night before and store in the fridge to save time in the morning. Sandwich the mixture between the slices of bread. Information: Double the recipe to use the rest of the can of tuna if you have 2 lunchboxes to prepare.

Why does restaurant tuna salad taste better? ›

The highest-quality tuna is bought fresh from the market or fishmonger, so some restaurants process and cook fresh tuna before incorporating it into the tuna salad. Although time-consuming and expensive, many chefs prefer this approach.

What is the best condiment for a tuna sandwich? ›

A classic sauce to have with a tuna and mayonnaise sandwich is a simple combination of mayonnaise, lemon juice, and pepper. You can also try different variations of the sauce: Adding some chopped celery or onion to the mixture, which will give it a nice crunch.

What is Dolores tuna? ›

With no preservatives, Dolores® Tuna in Water is a delicious source of protein with 24 grams of protein per can. Our canned Yellowfin Tuna Chunks in Water have a great taste that you can enjoy any time of the day, whether in salads, sandwiches, casseroles, or any other dish that you want to create.

What mayonnaise do chefs prefer? ›

But there is one store-bought mayo that nearly every professional chef and in-the-know food lover keeps in their chill chest: Kewpie. This Japanese brand has long been the secret weapon of the mayonnaise arsenal for those in the know.

What sauces go best on canned tuna? ›

Mayonnaise, harissa, yuzu kosho, and Dijon mustard are examples. They also label preserved pickles, relishes, capers, chopped jalapeños, and chili flakes as excellent additions. Anything sweet, spicy, or fragrant is a good addition. Just remember to chop your mix-ins so that the tuna is spreadable.

What kind of mayo do most restaurants use? ›

Restaurants and chains use heavy-duty mayo, which has more yolks to fortify it and make it richer.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.